SVG stroke-linecap doesn't work for circles in Firefox? -

i've got problem svg stroke-linecap attribute. i've got circular progress bar in angularjs , set outer circle (blue one) have rounded "ends". @ fiddle.

<svg ... height="130" width="130"> <!-- ngif: background --> <circle ...      ng-if="background"      fill="#fff"      class="ng-scope"      stroke-width="13"      stroke="#cc3399"      r="57.5"      cy="65"      cx="65"      stroke-linecap="round"  /> <!-- end ngif: background --> <circle ...      fill="none"      stroke-dashoffset="36.12831551628261"      stroke-dasharray="361.28315516282623"      stroke-width="13"      stroke="#432db3"      stroke-linecap="round"      r="57.5"      cy="65"      cx="65"      transform="rotate(-89.9, 65, 65)" /> </svg> 

how can that?

this has been fixed firefox 45 onwards.


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