How to capitalize every word in excel cell? -

i have 15k rows each has 3 column similar following structure.

id title description
0 short title long description column

i want capitalize every single word in title column appear as:
a short title

is there way achieve this?


the formula can capitalize every 1st character of every word in string.

edit: if want manually, copy formula across column that.
can goto cell containing formula. on bottom right corner, see + sign when hover on cell - double click bottom right corner when see that.

this copy formula rows underneath current one, till finds there data in column preceding it.

edit2: using code

option explicit sub changeallcellsinthiscolumntopropercase(byval startcell range) dim lastcell range set lastcell = startcell.end(xldown)  dim data dim rangetocover range  set rangetocover = range(startcell.address & ":" & lastcell.address) data = rangetocover.value  dim countofcells long countofcells = rangetocover.cells.count  dim counter, element counter = 1 countofcells     element = data(counter, 1)     element = worksheetfunction.proper(element)     data(counter, 1) = element next  range(startcell.address & ":" & lastcell.address).value = data end sub 

edit3: doing manually (after @mehow's comment) - type in formula in empty column (say column f) proper case on b2.
- copy formula, select rest of cells want formula applied.
- paste special -> formulas
- copy column contents of f
- goto column b's first cell, paste special -> values.


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