javascript - Filter Radio Elements -

i have jquery variable of array of radio elements. want further select specific element based on value.

below idea of have i'm still not sure how accomplish this.

var gender = 1; var radiobuttons = $('[name=\'gender\']');  //should contain 2 radio elements radiobuttons.find('[value=\'' + gender + '\']').prop('checked', true); 


<label>female<input type="radio" name="gender" value="0"></label> <label>male<input type="radio" name="gender" value="1"></label> 

the .find() method attempt select descendant elements. since input element self-closed , doesn't contain descendant elements, nothing selected.

it seems want .filter() method instead:

var gender = 1; var radiobuttons = $("[name='gender']"); radiobuttons.filter(function () {   return this.value === gender.tostring(); }).prop('checked', true); 

or using .is() method:

radiobuttons.filter(function () {   return $(this).is("[value='" + gender + "']"); }).prop('checked', true); 

however, simpler use 2 attribute selectors when selecting elements instead:

var gender = 1; $("[name='gender'][value='" + gender + "']").prop('checked', true); 


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