C++: How might one draw an ASCII character at a specific location in command prompt -
basically, want able create function can go:
draw('c', x, y); draw('h', x+1, y); draw('a', x+2, y); draw('r', x+3, y);
and command prompt display char
@ given x , y position
all figure out in research have include <windows.h>
, have minimal experience with, , use pre-defined content in library.
this might started. see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682073(v=vs.85).aspx more info.
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> void main() { handle screenbuffer = createconsolescreenbuffer( generic_read | generic_write, file_share_read | file_share_write, null, console_textmode_buffer, null); if (screenbuffer == invalid_handle_value) { printf("createconsolescreenbuffer failed - (%d)\n", getlasterror()); return; } if (!setconsoleactivescreenbuffer(screenbuffer)) { printf("setconsoleactivescreenbuffer failed - (%d)\n", getlasterror()); closehandle(screenbuffer); return; } (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x) { dword numcharswritten; writeconsoleoutputcharacter(screenbuffer, "x", 1, coord{(short)x, 1}, &numcharswritten); sleep(1000); } closehandle(screenbuffer); }
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