How Runtime Exceptions are handled by Spring ExceptionHandler -

i using spring's @controlleradvice , @exceptionhandler exception handling. method throws custom exception controller , corresponding @exceptionhandler handle it. if runtime exception occurs(eg hibernateexception) throw runtime exception , dont have @exceptionhandler runtimeexceptions.

my question how handle runtime exception? need add @exceptionhandler every exception thrown controller? dont want create generic exceptionhandler exception.class because have send different error code according exception occured.

one way add try catch block in controller , throw custom exception catch block? or there better way?

all @exceptionhandlers inside @controlleradvice class.

the alternative don't catch exception in controller. catch exception in service layer , throw custom exception eg. if persisting record failed, throw databaseexception message. see below method:

student persist(student object){    try{       studentdao.insert(object);    }catch(hibernateexception e){       throw new databaseexception("database operation failed!");    }    return student; } 

from exception handler method can message. way can set different message on different exception.


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