NSExtensionActivationRule for exact one image or video - iOS App extension -

i building app action extension. that, extension should enable if user selects either 1 video or 1 image(it can process 1 file/object @ once). got nsextensionactivationrule predicate apple documentation this,

subquery (     extensionitems,     $extensionitem,     subquery (         $extensionitem.attachments,         $attachment,         $attachment.registeredtypeidentifiers uti-conforms-to "org.appextension.action-one" ||         $attachment.registeredtypeidentifiers uti-conforms-to "org.appextension.action-two"     ).@count == $extensionitem.attachments.@count ).@count == 1 

and documentation says

this statement iterates on array of nsextensionitem objects, , secondarily on attachments array in each extension item. each attachment, predicate evaluates uniform type identifier (uti) each representation in attachment. when attachment representation uti conforms of of 2 different specified utis (which see on right-hand side of each uti-conforms-to operator), collect uti final comparison test. final line returns true if app extension given 1 extension item attachment supported uti.

i changed org.appextension.action-two , org.appextension.action-one public.image , public.movie.

but still extension enabled if select multiple video or images. wrong predicate.

the condition @count == $extensionitem.attachments.@count means return true if attachments images , videos , doesn't matter how many there, limit 1 change @count == 1


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