paypal - No API credentials when adding test accounts -

this question has answer here:

no end of trouble since developer site , sandbox changed last week. i've not managed make single working call new platform since launched.

i've managed far getting 100002 errors - @ least means things talking, noticed today if create test accounts, api credentials blank/missing:


does know fix this? i've cleared out browser cache etc.

there issues credentials not appearing accounts. logged developer account. try logging actual sandbox seller account, , going profile , requesting credentials. should able view these within sandbox seller account, , if have not been requested yet, can generate these.

log out paypal account
clearing browser cache , cookies (i use firefox).
go , login real paypal account (not sandbox one)
go applications
click on sandbox accounts
(optional) import old accounts former sandbox account after redirect accounts page
click on account want log in to
choose sandbox site
log in site using test business account
go profile
in account information click on request api credentials
choose option solves needs
api crecendiales created !!! (they appear in test account profile)


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