c# - Add XML file to ZIP -


i have been given old piece of code (5+ years) , have been adding functioanlity application. have come across issue , xml file not correctly getting added zip. when check zip after xml file appear 0 data.


so create xml , add correct data file:

using (isolatedstoragefilestream doc = localstorage.openfile(xmlfile, filemode.open)) {      //add code populate xml file. works fine. } 

then open xml , create zip , trying add xml zip:

note: there line under 'zippackage' says "the class has been deprecated"

using (isolatedstoragefilestream filestream = localstorage.openfile(xmlfile, filemode.open)) {     using (isolatedstoragefilestream zipstream = localstorage.createfile(zipfile))     {         using (zippackage zippackage = zippackage.create(zipstream))         {             zippackage.addstream(filestream, xmlfile, zipcompression.deflate64, datetime.now);             zippackage.close(true);         }     } } 

then copy bytes file:

using (isolatedstoragefilestream zipstream = localstorage.openfile(zipfile, filemode.open)) {     filedata = new byte[zipstream.length];     zipstream.read(filedata, 0, filedata.length);     zipstream.close(); } 

when debug xml file created has information in file needed. when added zip looses data.

edit: 'zippackage' telerik , using windows 7. changing way file compressed work.


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