c# - CSS href Path from Hidden Filed Value and Extra String -

<link runat="server" href="css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

this external css link. , have hidden filed in page:

<asp:hiddenfield id="hdfextra" runat="server" /> 

i'm setting value hdfextra on page load. need combine css href hidden filed, need this:

href="<% hdfextra.value %>css/template.css" 

so have extra/css/template.css href. not know how works.

one way direct modify href on page_load

first give id link

<link runat="server" id="csslink" href="css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

then on page load modify href as

csslink.attributes["href"] = rootofcss + "css/template.css"; 

and rendered on page:

<link id="csslink" href="extracss/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

you can use single string rootofcss or use hidden field value ask as

csslink.attributes["href"] = hdfextra.value + "css/template.css"; 

the hidden field have meaning if change user , use on post back, if take value database, there no reason use hidden field.

alternative literal

you can use literal as

<asp:literal runat="server" id="cssliteral" enableviewstate="false"></asp:literal> 

and on code behind on page_load

cssliteral.text = string.format("<link id=\"csslink\" href=\"{0}/template.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />", rootofcss); 

using public string

you can add public string on class, render on page, example.

<head runat="server">     <%=fulllink%> </head> 

and on code behind

public partial class pagetest : system.web.ui.page { public string rootofcss = string.empty;

public string fulllink = string.empty;  protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     rootofcss = "extra";      fulllink = string.format("<link id=\"csslink\" href=\"{0}/template.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />", rootofcss); } 


the controls inside head little more tricky because head server side control , can not easy add string on link. other way use literal , direct render there output.

for example code

<link runat="server" id="csslink" href="<%=rootofcss%>css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

is render server

<link id="csslink" href="&lt;%=rootofcss%>css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

and see server control translate symbol < , not let run expect , render string, go alternative , direct change href code behind.

the same control if move header , move the runat=server

<link href="<%=rootofcss%>css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" />  

is render correctly as

<link href="extracss/template.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 


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