How to receive a BYTE[] from C# -

there 2 questions:

  1. i try make program need use com component(ocx) created mfc. assume component name myocx. myocx has function "readuserdata (byte* buf)".(i can see function spec has become readuserdata(ref byte buf) in c#.) buf byte[30]. content string: 100.

here partial of code:

        byte buf = new byte();         if (myocx.readuserdata(ref buf))         {             (int = 0; < 30; i++)             {                 myocx.readuserdata(ref buf);                 textbox3.text += (char)buf;             }         } 

there no error during running, textbox3.text content "111111111111111111111111111111", think because "100" first letter '1' 30 times.

i ask how write code make can "100" original byte[30];

  1. another question not has readuserdata(byte* buf), has writeuserdata(byte* buf). write "200" buf. please tell me how this.

thank you.

not knowing how myoxc.readuserdata works, try this:

byte[] buf = new byte[30];  if (myocx.readuserdata(ref buf))     (int = 0; < byte.length; i++)        textbox3.text += (char)buf[i]; 

in code looks first read succeeds, and, because supplied single byte write data returned first character '1'. subsequent calls fail, why buf never changed, keep on printing out original value.


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