ios - GoogleMaps not found -

i trying use google maps in ios app xcode ver 7.2 , swift ver 2.1.1. add googlemaps in pod file fine added frameworks , libs required support googlemaps fine, following tut , according have add bridging header file include #import <googlemaps/googlemaps.h>. app have 1 bridging header file because using facebook login put import statement in same file , in 'others linker flag -objc' there after few required settings in storyboard compiled proj getting error "googlemaps/googlemaps.h" not found. have searched , tried suggested ways on stackoverflow hard luck nothing worked yet.i grateful if suggest me doing wrong here.

make sure pod install went smoothly.

according tutorial,

you should see output similar following:

downloading dependencies installing googlemaps (1.10.4) using swiftyjson (2.3.0) generating pods project integrating client project 


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