java - How to retrieve the heap size set in the eclipse.ini file? -

i have set heap size required in eclipse.ini file in following way:

-xms256m -xmx1024m 

is there way access value 1024mb (max heap size) java code? here not require jvm heap size, instead need heap size set during eclipse start-up.

one pointer find when check show heap status preference in eclipse preferences, view shows current heap usage , max heap size (value set in eclipse.ini file). hence think there api view uses read value ini file.

any pointers on name of class used render heap status monitor view helpful. please find below link heap status monitor screen shot in eclipse picks heap size set in ini file , displays same.

enter image description here

the heap status display org.eclipse.ui.internal.heapstatus uses java runtime class:

runtime runtime = runtime.getruntime(); long totalmem = runtime.totalmemory(); long freemem = runtime.freememory(); long maxmem = runtime.maxmemory(); 


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