javascript - how to get(call) dynamically generated variable value to save in (mysql) database using php -
i trying save value of dynamically generated checkbox, label , select tag in mysql database using php in tags retrieving value different database , trying save data of checked field label value , selected option value, not able it, please suggest me doing wrong.
<script language="javascript"> function getmatchplayer1(mid) { window.location="?mid="+mid; } </script> </head> <?php $host="localhost"; // host name $username="root"; // mysql username $password=""; // mysql password $db_name="test"; // database name // connect server , select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); // select database on server mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select db"); if(isset($_post['saveteam'])){ $tmnma = $_post['teamnamea']; $tmnmb = $_post['teamnameb']; $mch_id = $_post['mtch_id']; $chk_id = $_post['$chkid']; $cric_nm = $_post['$ply_nm']; $chk_rnk = $_post['$chkrnk']; $sqlbat = "insert board(cricketer_id, status,runs,sixes,fifty,hundred,total_score,total_points)values('$cric_nm', 'np','0','0','0','0','0','0')"; $retval = mysql_query( $sqlbat ); if(! $retval ) { die('could not update data: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "updated data successfully\n"; } $sql=mysql_query( "select * tbl_info limit 5"); $cric_id = $resultmp['player_id']; ?> <body style="align:center"> <form method="post" id="form1" name="form1" action=""> <div style="width:850px; margin-left:55px; text-align:right"> <input type="submit" id="saveteam" name="saveteam" value=" save " /> </div> <table align="center" width="900" height="auto" style="border-top:1px solid #cccccc;border-right:1px solid #cccccc; border-left:1px solid #cccccc; cellspacing:0px; cellpadding:0px;"> <tr style="border:1px solid #cccccc"> <td width="450" style="border:1px solid #cccccc"> today's match:- <select name="mtch_id" id="mtch_id" onchange="getmatchplayer1(this.value)"> <option> select team </option> <?php $i=1; $sqlm=mysql_query("select * t_match limit 5"); while ($resultm=mysql_fetch_array($sqlm)) { $mtch=$resultm['match_no']; echo "<option id='".$i."' value='".$mtch."'>"; echo $mtch; echo "</option>"; $i++;} ?> </select></td> <td width="450" style="border:1px solid #cccccc"> <?php $j=1; if (isset($_request['mid'])) { $mid=$_request['mid']; } $sqlm1=mysql_query("select * t_match match_no = '$mid'"); while ($resultm1=mysql_fetch_array($sqlm1)){ $mtch=$resultm1['match_no']; $mtch1=$resultm1['team1']; $mtch2=$resultm1['team2']; $chkid = 'a'.$a; ?> </td> </tr> <tr style="border:1px solid #cccccc"> <td style="text-align:center; border:1px solid #cccccc"> <?php echo "team - ".$mtch1; ?> </td> <td style="text-align:center; border:1px solid #cccccc"> <?php echo "team - ".$mtch2; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="auto" colspan="2"> <div id="update" style="width:900px; height:24px;"> <div style="float:left; width:450px; height:24px;"> <?php $a=1; $b=2; $k=1; $sqlmp=mysql_query("select * tbl_info player_team = '$mtch1' limit 5"); while ($resultmp=mysql_fetch_array($sqlmp)){ echo "<script language='javascript'> //on checked disabled enabled condition function codenamea".$a."() { if (document.form1.a".$a.".checked) { document.form1.b".$a.".disabled = false; } else { document.form1.b".$a.".disabled = true; } } /*condition limit checked 11 team a*/ //initial checkcount of 0 var checkcount = 0 //maximum number of allowed checked boxes var maxchecks = 11 function setchecksa".$a."(obj) { //increment/decrement checkcount if (obj.checked) { checkcount=checkcount+1 } else { checkcount=checkcount-1 } //if checked 11th box, uncheck box, decrement checkcount , pop alert if (checkcount>maxchecks) { obj.checked=false document.form1.b".$a.".disabled=true; checkcount=checkcount-1 alert('you may choose '+maxchecks+' options') } } //--> </script>"; ?> <div style="float:left; width:80%; height:24px; border:1px solid #cccccc"> <input onclick='codenamea<?php echo $a; ?>(), setchecksa<?php echo $a; ?>(this)' type='checkbox' id='a<?php echo $a; ?>' name='a<?php echo $a; ?>' value='<?php echo $resulttmp['player_id']; ?>' /><input type="hidden" id="lt<?php $a; ?>" name="lt<?php $a; ?>" value="<?php echo $resulttmp['player_name']; ?>" /> <?php echo $resultmp ['player_name']; ?> </div> <div style="float:right; width:19%; height:24px; border:1px solid #cccccc"> <select disabled='disabled' id='b<?php echo $a; ?>' name='b<?php echo $a; ?>' style='width:100%;'> <option> - - </option> <option value='1'> 1 </option> <option value ='2'> 2 </option> <option value='3'> 3 </option> <option value='4'> 4 </option> <option value='5'> 5 </option> <option value='6'> 6 </option> <option value='7'> 7 </option> <option value='8'> 8 </option> <option value='9'> 9 </option> <option value='10'> 10 </option> <option value='11'> 11 </option> </select> </div> <?php $a++; $b++; } ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
if understood correctly, generating names of inputs dinamically, using $a increment variable. reason cant recalculate names when post not able posted values. can resolve in many ways, 1 generate input names way:
<input type="checkbox" name="blah[$a]"/> <select name="bleh[$a]">...</select>
this result in post array so:
array( "blah" => array($a => valueofcheckbox), "bleh" => array($a => valueofselect) )
that can parse simple foreach
foreach ($_post["blah"] $a => $value) { ... } foreach ($_post["bleh"] $a => $value) { ... }
i dont quite understand enable/disable logic, said before, thats messy code, should know disabled fields not posted.
ps: code posted pseudo-code.
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