node.js - Add to Existing angularJS webapp -

ive been trying setup angular webapp work app not have of built in middleware desire; have decided want work express.js tutorials set project using this.

example setup

i able create project works prerender if make new using express.js generator plugin. thats , dandy doesn't me out; not creating project, rather want add prerender existing project. there way create new express.js project , import entire angular app (with folder structure; etc, moving app's root directory on new express app)into , have routing etc unaffected?

how 1 go adding prerender created angularjs webapp? (like basic 1 seen below) i've tried bunch of times throughout day , ended installing ton of ugly dependancies project , having delete them all; appreciated. ::


// app.js

var app = angular.module('mypremadeapp', ['ngroute'])   $locationprovider.hashprefix('!');  .config(function($routeprovider, $locationprovider){     $routeprovider.when('/', {      templateurl : 'views/homeview.html',      controller: 'homecontroller'    })   .when('/about', {       templateurl : '/views/aboutview.html',       controller: 'aboutcontroller'   })   .when('/features', {       templateurl : '/views/featuresview.html',       controller : 'featurescontroller'   })   .otherwise({           redirectto : '/'   });  });  function maincontroller($scope) {     $scope.seo = {      pagetitle : '', pagedescription : ''    };  }  function homecontroller($scope) {     $scope.$parent.seo = {      pagetitle : 'setup thing',      pagedescripton: 'stuff description'    };  }  function aboutcontroller($scope) {    $scope.$parent.seo = { pagetitle : 'about',      pagedescripton: 'we content heavy website need indexed.'    };  }  function featurescontroller($scope) {    $scope.$parent.seo = { pagetitle : 'features', pagedescripton: 'check out of our awesome features!' };  } 


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