r - Prevent Jekyll from creating a page link from a static file -

i have class site hosted through github project pages , built jekyll. issue want have r markdown file (.rmd, markdown r code) static file students download, jekyll keeps linking page if in root directory of site , .md

like this:

banner image

here's repo of site (in gh-pages branch), there's link in readme live.

it doing because file has front matter (and title in front matter more specific), , header file (_includes/header.html) building main navigation automatically this:

{% my_page in site.pages %} {% if my_page.title %} <a class="page-link" href="{{ my_page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ my_page.title }}</a> {% endif %} {% endfor %}

if remove front matter won't end there. if need front matter can change way nav built, maybe adding mainnav: true front matter of files want end in main nav. change if statement if my_page.mainnav.

i don't way main nav built, think example, can built in bunch of ways, want more control having file front matter , title ending there.


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