ruby on rails - Carrierwave thumb method doesn't work for remote image url -
i have model 2 fields img_file (to load computer) , img_url (to load remotely internet). have standart thumb method in ulpoader.
version :thumb process :resize_to_fit => [50, 50] end
the problem that, when call method img_file works, doesn't img_url.
here code:
f.inputs f.input :project_id, as: :select, collection: project.all {|p| [p.title]} f.input :img_file, as: :file, hint: image_tag(f.object.img_file.thumb) f.input :img_url end
this how call thumb method both:
column :img_file |photo| image_tag photo.img_file.thumb end column :img_url |photo| image_tag photo.img_url.thumb end
it seems silly question, i'm stuck with. hope, see problem. thanks!
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