jquery - CSS drop down menu list color does not change on hover in Google chrome -

i have problem css drop down menu not work in chrome on hover.

expected behavior: hovering on of list item should change background color set using css rules.

actual behavior: default color(blue) stays after hovering on list item.

if run same code in internet explorer(ie 10,11) working absolutely fine not in chrome.my chrome version 47.


 <style> option:hover {     background: #01a982;   }   </style>
<select>    <option>1</option>    <option>2</option>    <option>3</option>    <option>4</option>    <option>5</option>  </select>

jsfiddle link : https://jsfiddle.net/sandeepb/p7jz9g95/

chrome doesn't support :hover on option elements. there isn't simple workaround this. need use javascript solution or other type of elements made & act select, if need :hover support in chrome.


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