php - Cannot create DOMdocument -

i cannot create new domdocument using:

$dom = new domdocument; 

the output empty. not empty object domdocument object( ), empty. should object like:

domdocument object (     [doctype] =>      [implementation] => (object value omitted)     [documentelement] =>      [actualencoding] =>      [encoding] =>      [xmlencoding] =>      [standalone] => 1     [xmlstandalone] => 1     [version] => 1.0     [xmlversion] => 1.0     [stricterrorchecking] => 1     [documenturi] =>      [config] =>      [formatoutput] =>      [validateonparse] =>      [resolveexternals] =>      [preservewhitespace] => 1     [recover] =>      [substituteentities] =>      [...] ) 

i'm using php version 5.6.7 , phpinfo() says:

dom/xml: enabled dom/xml api version: 20031129 libxml version: 2.9.2`

there other php code on server / in script, can php running normally. advice next steps should find cause?

try this:

<?php     $dom = new domdocument();     var_dump($dom); ?> 


object(domdocument)#1 (34) { ["doctype"]=> null ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentelement"]=> null ["actualencoding"]=> null ["encoding"]=> null ["xmlencoding"]=> null ["standalone"]=> bool(true) ["xmlstandalone"]=> bool(true) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlversion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["stricterrorchecking"]=> bool(true) ["documenturi"]=> null ["config"]=> null ["formatoutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateonparse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveexternals"]=> bool(false) ["preservewhitespace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteentities"]=> bool(false) ["nodename"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodevalue"]=> null ["nodetype"]=> int(9) ["parentnode"]=> null ["childnodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstchild"]=> null ["lastchild"]=> null ["previoussibling"]=> null ["attributes"]=> null ["ownerdocument"]=> null ["namespaceuri"]=> null ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localname"]=> null ["baseuri"]=> null ["textcontent"]=> string(0) "" } 



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