angularjs - Angular directive: compile is invoked, but not link -

i have following directive:

angular.module('mymodule', []).directive('mydir', function () {   return {     scope: {},     restrict: 'e',     link: function () {       alert('hello!');     }   }; }); 

and i'm using in template so:

<my-dir attr1="hello" attr2="world" /> 

when load page, don't alert. however, if assign compile property instead of link property, alert. why not invoking link function, it's happily invoking compile?

note: tried return pre/post link object compile function, yet still doesn't invoke anything. doesn't matter if make <my-dir> self-closing (as above) or not.

same code working me check this

<html>   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>   <script type="text/javascript">      var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]).directive('mydir', function () {         return {         scope: {},         restrict: 'e',         link: function () {           alert('hello!');         }       };    });   </script>  <body ng-app="myapp">     <my-dir attr1="hello" attr2="world" />  </body> 


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