python - Theano dmatrix contains newaxis raise dimension mismatch -
the following snippet of definition of theano variable , function rbfnn.
# theano tensor definition self.x = t.dmatrix('x') self.y = t.dmatrix('y') self.centers = t.dmatrix('centers') self.sigmas = t.dvector('sigmas') self.w = theano.shared(np.zeros((self.n_centers, self.n_classes)), 'w') self.b = theano.shared(np.zeros((self.n_classes,)), 'b') # build graph self.phi = t.exp(-t.sum(t.square(self.x[:, np.newaxis, :] - self.centers[np.newaxis, :, :]), axis=-1) / ( 2 * t.square(self.sigmas))) self.prob = t.mul(self.phi, self.w) + self.b self.pred = t.argmax(self.prob, axis=1) self.loss = t.mean(t.sum(t.square(self.y - self.prob), axis=1)) self.w_grad = t.grad(self.loss, self.w) self.b_grad = t.grad(self.loss, self.b) self.updates = [(self.w, self.w - self.learning_rate * self.w_grad), (self.b, self.b - self.learning_rate * self.b_grad)] # build function self.one_step = theano.function([self.x, self.y, self.centers, self.sigmas], [self.loss], updates=self.updates) self.compute_prob = theano.function([self.x, self.centers, self.sigmas], [self.prob]) self.compute_pred = theano.function([self.x, self.centers, self.sigmas], [self.pred])
then feed data
for in xrange(max_iter): losses = [] batch in xrange(x.shape[0] / n_batch): losses.append(self.one_step(x[batch * n_batch:(batch + 1) * n_batch, :], y[batch * n_batch:(batch + 1) * n_batch, :], centers, sigmas)
where x, y train data , centers , sigmas kmeans centers , std of each centers.
it raise error
valueerror: input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[0] = 50, input[2].shape[0] = 10) apply node caused error: elemwise{composite{(i0 - ((i1 * i2) + i3))}}(y, elemwise{composite{exp(((i0 * i1) / i2))}}[(0, 1)].0, w, inplacedimshuffle{x,0}.0) inputs types: [tensortype(float64, matrix), tensortype(float64, matrix), tensortype(float64, matrix), tensortype(float64, row)] inputs shapes: [(50, 2), (50, 10), (10, 2), (1, 2)] inputs strides: [(16, 8), (80, 8), (16, 8), (16, 8)] inputs values: ['not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', array([[ 0., 0.]])] debugprint of apply node: elemwise{composite{(i0 - ((i1 * i2) + i3))}} [@a] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> '' |y [@b] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> |elemwise{composite{exp(((i0 * i1) / i2))}}[(0, 1)] [@c] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> '' | |tensorconstant{(1, 1) of -0.5} [@d] <tensortype(float64, (true, true))> | |sum{axis=[2], acc_dtype=float64} [@e] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> '' | | |elemwise{composite{sqr((i0 - i1))}} [@f] <tensortype(float64, 3d)> '' | | |inplacedimshuffle{0,x,1} [@g] <tensortype(float64, (false, true, false))> '' | | | |x [@h] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> | | |inplacedimshuffle{x,0,1} [@i] <tensortype(float64, (true, false, false))> '' | | |centers [@j] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> | |elemwise{sqr,no_inplace} [@k] <tensortype(float64, row)> '' | |inplacedimshuffle{x,0} [@l] <tensortype(float64, row)> '' | |sigmas [@m] <tensortype(float64, vector)> |w [@n] <tensortype(float64, matrix)> |inplacedimshuffle{x,0} [@o] <tensortype(float64, row)> '' |b [@p] <tensortype(float64, vector)> storage map footprint: - inplacedimshuffle{x,0}.0, shape: (1, 2), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 16 byte(s) - tensorconstant{(1,) of 0.001}, shape: (1,), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 8 byte(s) - elemwise{composite{exp(((i0 * i1) / i2))}}[(0, 1)].0, shape: (50, 10), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 4000 byte(s) - x, shape: (50, 4), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 1600 byte(s) - y, shape: (50, 2), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 800 byte(s) - centers, shape: (10, 4), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 320 byte(s) - sigmas, shape: (10,), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 80 byte(s) - b, shape: (2,), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 16 byte(s) - tensorconstant{(1, 1) of -0.002}, shape: (1, 1), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 8 byte(s) - tensorconstant{(1,) of -2.0}, shape: (1,), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 8 byte(s) - tensorconstant{(1, 1) of -0.5}, shape: (1, 1), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 8 byte(s) - w, shape: (10, 2), elemsize: 8 byte(s), totalsize: 160 byte(s)
did self.x , has shape [50, newaxis, 4] , [newaxis, 10, 4]? why turns out [50, 4] , [10, 4]? tell me how solve it?
you can use test values try , debug issue while building graph.
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