Entity Framework map one to many with an intermediate table without a class for that table -

i have

issue {     //id, etc     public list<cloudfile> files { get; set; } } 

and since cloudfile can used other classes, cleanest solution seems create intermediate table called issuefile. thing have no use such class in code... how map between issue , cloudfile without creating such intermediate class. or possible? know there similar questions (one many mapping intermediate table) create intermediate but, hopefully, unnecessary class.

what want table-per-type (tpt) inheritance. cloudfile base class , derived types represent relationship owning entities (issue, order, etc.):

[table( "cloudfile" )] public class cloudfile {     public int id { get; set; } }  [table( "issuecloudfile" )] public class issuecloudfile : cloudfile { }  public class issue {     public int id { get; set; }     public list<issuecloudfile> files { get; set; } } 

or via fluent api:

modelbulider.entity<cloudfile>().totable( "cloudfile" ); modelbuilder.entity<issuecloudfile>().totable( "issuecloudfile" ); 

if use dbset<cloudfile> without dbsets derived type of cloudfile, use .oftype<t>() types:

var issuecloudfiles = db.cloudfiles.oftype<issuecloudfile>(); // or through referencing entities issuecloudfiles = db.issues.selectmany( => i.files ); 


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