javascript - how to refresh page to fetch new values from service using angular? -

i having page having 1 table , 2 charts , how refresh charts , tables while pressing refresh button , table , 2 different charts coming 3 different controllers on single page . want refresh of them able new values webservice again , recreate page accordingly click or single refresh button .

i have tried few ideas .

$scope.refreshchart = function(){     alert("refresh");      // $scope.dashloader = true;   $state.go('plm.creator');   // $scope.dashloader = false;    console.log("on page refresh called; not dashboard page");   } 

but these not working per expectations , kindly help

one thing can try use $scope.$broadcast(name, args) broadcast event (event name string make up) controller can listen , run code refresh.

the controller listen $scop.$on(event, listener)

so 1 controller this:

$scope.$broadcast('myrefreshevent', args); 

and controller this:

$scope.$on('myrefreshevent', function (args) {     //handle refresh }); 


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