Jenkins Amazon Linux Setup -

i have setup jenkins on ec2 instance using below steps tutorial online. novice in linux environment , deployments. problem jenkins dashboard not showing in browser @ <myip>:8080/jenkins. can me out this.

sudo yum install -y docker nginx git  sudo wget -o /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo  sudo rpm --import  sudo yum install jenkins  sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf change below server {     listen       80;     server_name  _;      location /jenkins {             proxy_pass;     } }  sudo usermod -a -g docker jenkins  sudo service docker start sudo service jenkins start sudo service nginx start sudo chkconfig docker on sudo chkconfig jenkins on sudo chkconfig nginx on 

i had faced similar problem before, can check following:

  • check security groups of instance specific ports
  • check ip tables on instance

hope helps


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