jquery - Radio Button toggle based on other radio button -

i needing setup 4 forms radio buttons competition, wanting set selections disable other options, if selected question 1 option disabled in 2,3 , 4.

i have managed put together, knowledge limited longest possible way of doing , hoping know of simpler method before start building 2 forms it.

i setup fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/2kc6m/2/


    <form id="answer1" class="radiooptions">     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="a1" name="question1" /> a</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="b1" name="question1" /> b</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="c1" name="question1" /> c</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="d1" name="question1" /> d</div> </form> <form id="answer2" class="radiooptions">     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="a2" name="question2" /> a</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="b2" name="question3" /> b</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="c2" name="question3" /> c</div>     <div class="forminput"><input type="radio" value="d2" name="question2" /> d</div> </form> 


    $('.answeroptions').click(function(){    if(this.value == 'a1' && this.checked){        $('input[value=a2]').prop('disabled', true);        $('input[value=b2], input[value=c2], input[value=d2]').prop('disabled', false);    }    else if(this.value == 'b1' && this.checked){        $('input[value=a2], input[value=c2], input[value=d2]').prop('disabled', false);        $('input[value=b2]').prop('disabled', true);    }    else if(this.value == 'c1' && this.checked){        $('input[value=c2]').prop('disabled', true);        $('input[value=a2], input[value=b2], input[value=d2]').prop('disabled', false);      }    else if(this.value == 'd1' && this.checked){        $('input[value=a2], input[value=b2], input[value=c2]').prop('disabled', false);        $('input[value=d2]').prop('disabled', true);      }       else{       $('.answeroptions').not(this).prop('checked', false).prop('disabled', false);    } }); 

what about

var radios = $('input[type="radio"]').addclass('answeroptions');  var forms = $('.radiooptions'); $('.answeroptions').click(function(){     var $this = $(this);     if(this.checked){         var checked = $('.answeroptions:checked', forms);          radios.prop('disabled', false);         checked.each(function(i, v){             var $item = $(v);             var $form = $item.closest('form');             var prefix = this.value.substring(0, 1)              forms.not($form).each(function(i,v){                 var $form = $(v);                 var x = $form.find('input:radio[value^=' + prefix + ']').prop('disabled', true);             });          })     } }); 

demo: fiddle


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