python - Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: -
i using data science toolbox running ubuntu 14.04 through vagrant in windows. installed opencv , tried simple python code.
import cv2 import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt img = cv2.imread('image1.jpg' , cv2.imread_grayscale) cv2.imshow('image' , img) cv2.waitkey(0) cv2.destroyallwindows()
when run code error -
(image:1267): gtk-warning **: cannot open display:
i have searched on internet not able find solution working me.
i have tried -
export display=:0.0 export display=:0
and many more. have tried xhost +localhost gives error
xhost: unable open display ""
anyone know way solve problem.
you can forward display host, in vagrantfile, add following lines
config.ssh.forward_agent = true config.ssh.forward_x11 = true
you need x-server running on windows machine (i use quartz on mac, need equivalent windows, xming) , when vagrant up
boot vm, when run x-program pop-up on host.
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