visual studio 2015 - Typescript: --outDir does not seem to work -
i using typescript in vs2015 , have following structure in project:
in wwwroot app - containts ts files lib spa - want compiled js
there tsconfig.json in app directory following values:
{ "compileroptions": { "noimplicitany": true, "module": "system", "moduleresolution": "node", "experimentaldecorators": true, "emitdecoratormetadata": true, "noemitonerror": true, "removecomments": false, "sourcemap": true, "target": "es5", "outdir": "../lib/spa" } }
i have set vs2015 compile ts files on save. compiled js files generated in same app dir, , not in desired /lib/spa folder. suggestions ?
in typescript versions lower 1.8 out option not work module option.
you check issue here.
in version 1.8 able use out when module option amd or system.
you can use typescript@next version of typescript , make use of feature now. install run:
$ npm install -g typescript@next
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