c# - Convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList<>' -

in model account have property this

public list<string> roles { get; set; } 

later on want property convert ilist<iapplicationuserrole<role>>, have function

 public ilist<iapplicationuserrole<role>> roles     {                 {             return _account.roles; // how convert in specific type intended.          }     } 

here iapplicationuserrole

public interface iapplicationuserrole<trolemodel> : irole<string>     trolemodel : entitymodel {     trolemodel role { get; set; }      string name { get; set; } } 

i newbie thing. looking forward help.

say have implementing class like:

public class applicationuserrole : iapplicationuserrole<t> t : role {     public applicationuserrole()     {     }     public user user { get; set; }     public t role { get; set; } } 

then, you'd this:

public ilist<iapplicationuserrole<role>> roles {         {         return _account.roles             .select(r => new applicationuserrole { role = roleservice.findrolebyname(r) })             .cast<iapplicationuserrole<role>>()             .tolist();      } } 

where roleservice way of building role instance role name (which above r)

note: being said, there catch in above implementation. since roles property should not data access operations. so, in case, should create method instead of property.


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