google play - Android App Update Getting Rejected for Keyword Spam -

i published android app called "never have ever". app , still live on google play. updated app once. second time tried update apk file, emailed messaging saying app has been rejected keyword spam. updated app 10 more times changing app description bare minimum. tried contacting google play. yesterday tried update app title "never have ever" "the never have ever game" hoping maybe fixed. no, contacted google play saying app reviewed , app title matched app "never have ever game". now, ridiculous me. how google didn't see other 10 updates, saw last one? how app "never have ever" fine until, 1 day got rejected? there many apps name "never have ever" on google play. have app "truth or dare" never got rejected having name "truth or dare". basically, frustrated have not been given answers google, , title , description not worth of rejection. maybe wrong, need answer.

your app submission has been rejected violation of google play developer programme policy regarding impersonation or deceptive behaviour. please review keyword spam policy article, modify app's title and/or description , resubmit. additional details have been sent account owner's email address.

title: never have ever

short description: fun way party or drink!

description: enjoy game group using application questions. app counts number of people have done particular statement asked. when playing, swipe right left in order go next question. alternatively, swipe left right in order go home screen or press button. hope enjoy game.

why above information being rejected? tried again change title, time "adult never have ever" , still getting rejected.


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