angularjs - Avoid state transition occuring twice in $state.go or uisref -

using uirouter, trying navigate child state [a.childa url "localhost:90/a/childa/212"]to different state [b], transition occuring twice [like on click of button url changes "localhost:90/a/childa/212" localhost:90/a/childa , on clicking again changes localhost:90/b". need localhost:90/a/childa/212 directly change localhost:90/b using uisref or $state.go. how can it?

$stateprovider.state('a', {                 url: '/a',                  templateurl: 'assets/templates/a.html',                 controller: 'actrl'             }).state('a.childa', {                     url: '/childa/:id',                                             templateurl: 'assets/templates/childa.html',                     controller: 'childactrl'             }); $stateprovider.state('b', {                     url: '/b',                      templateurl: 'assets/templates/b.html',                     controller: 'bctrl'                 }); 


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