java - Android task: click a button, go to a layout to edit personal info. click the submit button, save and display the info -

i working on small task android app. , dont know things need or things should careful for.

in user's personal page, there button user can click in. goes layout there 2 buttons "cancel" , "submit". below them, there blank space user can edit personal info. (here keyboard should automatically pop up).

after clicks "submit", info saved , app goes personal page , info entered displayed.

if user has text info, after clicks edit button, whitebox in layout should has info has entered. can re-edit , submit again.

any type of hints , guidelines appreciated!! thank much!!!

this sounds place use activity results. can make screen user enters information activity, , start calling activity.startactivityforresult(). once user finished , clicks done, store result activity.setresult() , call finish() close activity. original activity opened screen callback in onactivityresult() data set in setresult(). pretty common task there should plenty of examples around.


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