reactjs - Rails with react, react-router gems fails to precompile when pushing to Heroku -

remote: -----> preparing app rails asset pipeline remote:        running: rake assets:precompile remote:        rake aborted! remote:        nomethoderror: undefined method `resolve' nil:nilclass remote:        /tmp/build_c973337fb25108cb9d5546369a8b22b0/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/react-router-rails- `block in <class:railtie>' remote:        /tmp/build_c973337fb25108cb9d5546369a8b22b0/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/react-router-rails- `call' remote:        /tmp/build_c973337fb25108cb9d5546369a8b22b0/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/react-router-rails- `setup_combined_js' remote:  ...  remote:  !     precompiling assets failed. remote:  ! remote: remote:  !     push rejected, failed compile ruby app 


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