android - Image not loading in google map marker using UiL -

i using universal-image-loader-1.9.5.jar. trying display user image on marker. image not being displayed.

what have done .

uil initialization

imageloader = imageloader.getinstance();         defaultoptions = new displayimageoptions.builder()         .showimageonloading(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable         .showimageforemptyuri(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable         .showimageonfail(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable         .resetviewbeforeloading(false)  // default         .delaybeforeloading(1000)         .cacheinmemory(false) // default         .cacheondisk(false) // default         .considerexifparams(false) // default         .imagescaletype(imagescaletype.in_sample_power_of_2) // default         .bitmapconfig(bitmap.config.argb_8888) // default         .displayer(new simplebitmapdisplayer()) // default         .handler(new handler()) // default         .build();   file cachedir = storageutils.getcachedirectory(this); config = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(this) .memorycacheextraoptions(480, 800) // default = device screen dimensions .diskcacheextraoptions(480, 800, null) .threadpoolsize(3) // default .threadpriority(thread.norm_priority - 2) // default .tasksprocessingorder(queueprocessingtype.fifo) // default .denycacheimagemultiplesizesinmemory() .memorycache(new lrumemorycache(2 * 1024 * 1024)) .memorycachesize(2 * 1024 * 1024) .memorycachesizepercentage(13) // default .diskcache(new unlimiteddiskcache(cachedir)) // default .diskcachesize(50 * 1024 * 1024) .diskcachefilecount(100) .diskcachefilenamegenerator(new hashcodefilenamegenerator()) // default .defaultdisplayimageoptions(displayimageoptions.createsimple()) // default .writedebuglogs() .build(); imageloader.init(config); 

using infowindowadapter

googlemap.setinfowindowadapter(new mycustomadapterforitems());  public class mycustomadapterforitems implements infowindowadapter {      private final view mycontentsview;      mycustomadapterforitems() {         mycontentsview = mainfragmentactivity.getlayoutinflater().inflate(                 r.layout.map_info_window_dialog, null);     }      @override     public view getinfocontents(marker marker) {         return null;     }      @override     public view getinfowindow(marker marker) {         try {             jsonobject jsonmarker = new jsonobject(marker.getsnippet());             string name = jsonmarker.getstring("name");             double distance = jsonmarker.getdouble("distance");             string imagepath = jsonmarker.getstring("profile_pic_address");             string gender = jsonmarker.getstring("gender");             string birthdate = jsonmarker.getstring("birthdate");             age = hiapplication.getage(birthdate);             textview tvname = ((textview) mycontentsview                     .findviewbyid(;             textview tvage = ((textview) mycontentsview                     .findviewbyid(;             textview tvdistance = ((textview) mycontentsview                     .findviewbyid(;             textview tvgender = (textview) mycontentsview.findviewbyid(;             roundedimageview  image = (roundedimageview) mycontentsview.findviewbyid(;             imageloader.displayimage(imagepath, image , defaultoptions , simpleloader); //image loading here             tvname.settext(name);             if(age == 0 ) tvage.settext("");             else tvage.settext(age+"");             tvgender.settext(gender);             tvdistance.settext(new decimalformat("##.##").format(distance)+ " km.");         } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return mycontentsview;     } } 


private class simpleloader implements imageloadinglistener {          @override         public void onloadingcancelled(string arg0, view arg1) {             log.d("d", "image cancelled");         }          @override         public void onloadingcomplete(string arg0, view view, bitmap bitmap) {             log.d("d", "loading complete");             imageview imageview = (imageview) view;             imageview.setimagebitmap(bitmap);         }          @override         public void onloadingfailed(string arg0, view arg1, failreason arg2) {             log.d("d", "image loading failed");          }          @override         public void onloadingstarted(string arg0, view arg1) {             log.d("d", "image loading started");         }      } 

although logs show image loaded . here logs .

01-21 02:38:13.561: d/d(7832): image loading started 01-21 02:38:13.567: d/imageloader(7832): delay 1000 ms before loading...  [] 01-21 02:38:14.568: d/imageloader(7832): start display image task [] 01-21 02:38:14.569: d/imageloader(7832): load image network [] 01-21 02:38:14.653: d/imageloader(7832): display image in imageaware (loaded network) [] 01-21 02:38:14.653: d/d(7832): loading complete 

but default drawb r.drawable.profile_image showing time. can tell me , missing here ? whats wrong code ?

*you should create custom xml layout file , inflate in method getinfocontents(marker arg0)

your image prepared not getting loaded on marker think.

try this

 @override         public view getinfocontents(marker arg0) {              // getting view layout file info_window_layout             view v = getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.info_window_layout, null);              // getting position marker             latlng latlng = arg0.getposition();              // getting reference textview set latitude             textview tvlat = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;              // getting reference textview set longitude             textview tvlng = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;              // setting latitude             tvlat.settext("latitude:" + latlng.latitude);              // setting longitude             tvlng.settext("longitude:"+ latlng.longitude);              // returning view containing infowindow contents             return v;          }     }); 


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