android - RecyclerView Divider Space -

i create list simple recyclerview , cardview without style properties.

<         android:id="@+id/shops_list"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="match_parent"/> 

and expected result when run in android 4.2.2 device following screenshot.

screenshot in android 4.2.2 genymotion emulator

but, when run in android version 6.0.1, there no space between cardview item following.

screenshot in android 6.0.1 real device

i space between cardview item above screenshot. need add space or divider height manually? please :-)

use app:cardusecompatpadding="true"in cardview.

cardview adds padding in platforms pre-l draw shadows. in l, unless set usecompatpadding=true, there should not gap.


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