c# - Pass values of user defined datatype to plsql stored procedure from ADO.net -

i new ado.net , sql. playing around oracle , ado.net , have ran problem feel not documented well.

i have stored procedure used custom type called num_array defined follows.

create or replace  type num_array  table of number(38, 0); 

and stored procedure follows.....

procedure sample_procedure( sample_array in num_array) begin update returnlist_picklist_mapping  set picklist_id = 5555555  returnlist_id  in (select * table(sample_array)); end sample_procedure; 

i trying invoke stored procedure using following .net code

idbinterface.open();  idbinterface.addparameters("return_list_id_in", returnlistid); idbinterface.parameters["return_list_id_in"].dbtype = system.data.dbtype.int16; idbinterface.parameters["return_list_id_in"].direction = parameterdirection.input;  idbinterface.addparameters("cur_picklist_report", null); idbinterface.parameters["cur_picklist_report"].dbtype = system.data.dbtype.object; idbinterface.parameters["cur_picklist_report"].direction = parameterdirection.output;  dataset dspicklistreportdata= idbinterface.executedataset(commandtype.storedprocedure, procedurename); 

now problem getting wrong number or type of arguments error.

how can send datatype of type num_array ado.net code?


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