dbms scheduler - How to run failed step in chain in Oracle using previous job name? -

i have job runs chain. chain consists of 5 steps. first step run , if succeeds, 3 other steps run (independently, in parallel). if 3 steps succeed, last step start. works fine.

i test case error. intentionally provided error in 1 of 3 above-mentioned steps. result, first step succeeded 3 steps run. expected, 2 of them succeeded , third 1 failed. steps working automatically generated job_name (i checked job_name querying user_scheduler_job_run_details). removed intentional error , ran failed step using:

dbms_scheduler.run_chain(chain_name => 'my_chain', start_steps => 'my_failed_step'); 

of course, failed step succeeded (because error removed). step run automatically generated job_name , unfortunately last step (which run after 3 mentioned steps succeed) not run. run failed step specific (previous) job_name, , result, last step should run automatically.

how can run failed step in chain in oracle using previous, specific job name?


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