wix - How can I have a Modify/Change install run the XmlConfig action to accept new values (values from public properties)? -

i have xmlconfig entries such this:

<util:xmlconfig id='setsomething'                 file="[website]web.config"                 action='create'                 node='value'                 elementpath="//configuration/appsettings/add[\[]@key='something'[\]]/@value"                 value="[something]"                 on='install'                 preservemodifieddate='no'                 verifypath="//configuration/appsettings/add[\[]@key='something'[\]]/@value"                /> 

which works fine on install. modify/change installs, prefer allow same ui dialog sequence can change values. 'change' without having uninstall/reinstall.

is supposed work way - maybe how scheduled? , if so, possible change that? far looks of properties published in time during modify/change, schedxmlconfig action confusingly different looking in logs in modify/change in install


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