install chrome extension outside the chrome extension market -

as know can install extension outside market without expected limitations, example, autoupdate. need in develop mode.

you can read thread understand problem: install chrome extension external extensions

the think is, know way install extension in chrome (internal use in company o class). think can sign extension shared certificate or that. , send extension users.

google no longer allows it.

protecting chrome users malicious extensions
continuing protect chrome users malicious extensions

there 4 types of extension install still available:

  • direct installation webstore or inline install website, hosted on web store.
  • indirect installation through registry manipulation (e.g. companion extension native app), still must hosted in webstore.
  • local development installs; nag on every chrome restart , no autoupdate mechanism.
  • for enterprise only, policy-based installs. note on windows requires computers joined domain. in case there no restrictions on extension hosted.


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