javascript - How to check for an empty Telerik Kendo editor content -
i have simple form couple of dropdowns multi-select , editor. dropdowns both have initial item has text value of please select , value of ''. on submission have following bit of javascript/jquery checks have values in dropdowns, multi-select , editor.
var validflag = true; var dropdownlist = $("#addnew_dteam").data("kendodropdownlist"); if (dropdownlist.value() == "") { validflag = false; errormsg = "<li>select team</li>" } dropdownlist = $("#addnew_dtype").data("kendodropdownlist"); if (dropdownlist.value() == "") { validflag = false; errormsg += "<li>select entry type</li>" } var multiselect = $("#msservers").data("kendomultiselect"); if (multiselect.value() == "") { validflag = false; errormsg += "<li>add @ least 1 server or select n/a</li>" } var editor = $("#diarycomments").data("kendoeditor"); if (editor.value() == "") { validflag = false; errormsg += "<li>a comment mandatory</li>" }
the code works fine dropdowns , multi-select, check empty editor content not work. editor empty yet if (editor.value() == "") not true.
while editor empty, consider 1 blank space condition if (editor.value() == ' ')
(there 1 space between single quote)...
hope work you...
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