Python struct.unpack equivalent in C -

what have in python

string lenght = 4

, can unpack values.

is there equivalent of function on python, in c?

in c, there no concept of "packing" this. whenever have char buffer such

char buf[128]; 

whether treat string or complex data structure you. simplest way define struct , copy data , forth array.

struct mystruct{   int data1;   int data2; };  char buf[sizeof(struct mystruct)]; struct mystruct mystruct; mystruct.data1 = 1; mystruct.data2 = 2; memcpy(buf, &mystruct, sizeof(struct mystruct)); 

please note there packing/padding may happen here. example, if have short in struct, compiler may use 4 bytes anyway. fails when have use pointers, such char* strings in structure.


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