vba - Getting My Script To Run Across All Worksheets (Excel) -

this code works on 1 sheet and trying work across multiple sheets, avoiding first 2 sheets ("aa" , "word frequency").

original code here (see @jeeped's answer)

link worksheet here

was trying adapt code related threads found (reference 1, 2) not know how (and whether) apply ws.name , ws.range objects existing code.

it seems code activates sheet1 using with worksheets("sheet1") , trying replace following method:

  1. create for looped function bygroupcounter() identify how many worksheets there are, , run across existing worksheets. each worksheet incremented variable "i"

  2. for loop in bygroupcounter() calls on function bygroup(i) run original code on selected worksheet (ie. worksheet "i")

  3. the bygroup() function runs it's process across worksheet i.

  4. part believe i'm getting error: replacing with worksheets("sheet1") code with ws, ws = worksheets(sheet_index) , sheet_index equal i, defined bygroupcounter()

i believe have add ws prefix in front of .range i've been trying, keep getting error "can't execute code in break mode".

current code:

sub bygroupcounter()    dim integer    application.screenupdating = false  = activesheet.index sheets.count   bygroup next application.screenupdating = true end sub  sub bygroup(byval sheets_index integer)   dim g long, s long, astrs variant, agrps variant   dim ws worksheet   set ws = worksheets(sheet_index)  apptggl btggl:=false  ' believe next line doing wrong: ws     astrs = .range(.cells(2, 1), .cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup)).value2     .range(.cells(1, 5), .cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(0,        application.match("zzz", .rows(1)) - 1))         .resize(.rows.count, .columns.count).offset(1, 0).clearcontents         agrps = ws.cells.value2     end      s = lbound(astrs, 1) ubound(astrs, 1)         g = lbound(agrps, 2) ubound(agrps, 2)             if cbool(instr(1, astrs(s, 1), agrps(1, g), vbtextcompare))                 agrps(s + 1, g) = astrs(s, 1)                 exit             end if         next g     next s      .cells(1, 5).resize(ubound(agrps, 1), ubound(agrps, 2)) = agrps    end    apptggl end sub  public sub apptggl(optional btggl boolean = true)     debug.print timer     application.screenupdating = btggl     application.enableevents = btggl     application.displayalerts = btggl     application.calculation = iif(btggl, xlcalculationautomatic,     xlcalculationmanual) end sub 

there 6 changes original code loop through sheets

i have them commented '<<<

sub bygroup()     dim g long, s long, astrs variant, agrps variant, sh worksheet    '<<<      apptggl btggl:=false     each sh in sheets    '<<<         if sh.name <> "aa" , sh.name <> "word frequency"    '<<<<             sh    '<<<                 astrs = .range(.cells(2, 1), .cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup)).value2                 .range(.cells(1, 5), .cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(0, application.match("zzz", .rows(1)) - 1))                     .resize(.rows.count, .columns.count).offset(1, 0).clearcontents                     agrps = .cells.value2                 end                  s = lbound(astrs, 1) ubound(astrs, 1)                     g = lbound(agrps, 2) ubound(agrps, 2)                         if cbool(instr(1, astrs(s, 1), agrps(1, g), vbtextcompare))                             agrps(s + 1, g) = astrs(s, 1)                             exit                         end if                     next g                 next s                  .cells(1, 5).resize(ubound(agrps, 1), ubound(agrps, 2)) = agrps              end         end if    '<<<<     next sh    '<<<     apptggl end sub  public sub apptggl(optional btggl boolean = true)     debug.print timer     application.screenupdating = btggl     application.enableevents = btggl     application.displayalerts = btggl     application.calculation = iif(btggl, xlcalculationautomatic, xlcalculationmanual) end sub 


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