bit manipulation - How to flip bits in C#? -

i have binary number in form of string as

string input = "10110101101"; 

now need flip (0 1 , 1 0) first 3 bits of it.

the resultant output 01010101101

how in c#?

an alternate way using convert.toint32, convert.tostring (which otherwise unknown , unused), , bitwise-xor

string input = "10110101101"; int flipno = 3; int output = convert.toint32(input, 2); (int = input.length - 1; >= input.length - flipno; --i)     output ^= 1 << i; 

simply use output, or if want display output in string, do:

string display = convert.tostring(output, 2).padleft(input.length, '0'); 


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