javascript - Sorting order of Groups in kendo ui grid -

here have written stored procedure getting categoryname values based on id, values coming india, america, brazil service, in ui section values in automatically sorting in alphabetical order displaying groups america, brazil,india. wanted show in order display india, america, brazil format. doing wrong? in advance.

$(document).ready(function () { var grid = $("#grid").kendogrid({     datasource: {         type: "get",         transport: {             read: {                 url: "some url placed here",                 datatype: "jsonp"             }         },         pagesize: 20,         serversorting: false,         group: {             field: "categoryname",             aggregates: [{                 field: "abc",                 aggregate: "count"             }, {                 field: "def",                 aggregate: "sum"             }, {                 field: "ghi",                 aggregate: "sum"             }]         },         aggregate: [{             field: "abc",             aggregate: "count"         }, {             field: "def",             aggregate: "sum"         }, {             field: "ghi",             aggregate: "sum"         }]     },     columns: [     //column section goes here.....     ],     sortable: false     //... }); 


i remember somewhere in kendo ui documentation (may datasource > groups) said that, if define groups, grouping requires sorted data.. remove groups , display data in plain vanilla grid , see if automatic sorting applied.


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