php - WebUI-Popover didn't work inside while loop in a table -

i'm trying create popover using here's scenario whenever click calendar button inside data table appear popover shows date , time of said data in mysql database. code doesn't work. here's interface:

enter image description here

<table class="table table-condensed tablehead table-sortable table-hover" style="width:99%">     <tr>         <thead>         <th>transmittal #</th>         <th>transmittal date</th>         <th>sender name</th>         <th>receiver name</th>         <th>invoice #</th>         <th>document type</th>         <th>vendor name</th>         <th>status</th>         </thead>     </tr>      if($_session['userrole'] == 2){             $qry = "select en.`transid`, en.`transdate`,                  concat(userlist.lname, ', ', userlist.fname, ' ', userlist.mname) sender_name,                  concat(userlist1.lname, ', ', userlist1.`fname`, ' ', userlist1.`mname`) receiver_name,                 en.`document_number`, doctype.`document_type`, vendor.`vendor_name`, stat.status_name,                 en.date_process, en.status_id                  `tbl_encode_transmittal` en                  left join `tbl_acknowledgetransmittal` acknowledge on en.`transid` = acknowledge.`transid`                 left join tbl_userlist userlist on userlist.userid = en.sender_id                 left join tbl_userlist userlist1 on userlist1.userid = en.`receiver_id`                 left join `tbl_doctype` doctype on doctype.`doc_id` = en.`doctype_id`                 left join tbl_vendor vendor on vendor.`vendor_id` =  en.vendor_id                 left join tbl_status stat on stat.status_id = en.status_id                 en.`sender_id` =  '" . $_session['userid'] . "'                 order en.status_id";              $res = mysql_query($qry) or die(mysql_error());             echo "<tr>";             while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){                     echo "<tr>";                     echo "<tbody id=\"mytable\">";                     echo "<td><h6>" . $row['transid'] . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td><h6>" . date("f j, y", strtotime($row['transdate'])) . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td><h6>" . $row['sender_name'] . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td><h6>" . $row['receiver_name'] . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td><h6>" . $row['document_number'] . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td><h6>" . $row['document_type'] . "</h6></td>";                     echo "<td width=\"200\"><h6>" . $row['vendor_name'] . "</h6></td>";                      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     /////////           pending button status       //////////                     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     if($row['status_name'] == 'pending'){                         echo "<td><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary disabled\"><i class=\"fa fa-history fa-lg\"> ".$row['status_name']."</i></button></td>";                     }                      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     /////////         acknowledge button status     //////////                     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     elseif($row['status_name'] == 'acknowledge'){?>                         <td>                             <button type="button" class="btn btn-success disabled"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up fa-lg"><?php echo" " . $row['status_name']; ?></i></button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-link show-pop left-bottom" data-placement="left-bottom" data-content="<?php echo $row['date_process']; ?>" id="click-acknowledge"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></a>                         </td>                      <?php }                      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     /////////        on-process button status       //////////                     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     else if($row['status_name'] == 'on-process'){?>                         <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-warning disabled"><i class="fa fa-cogs fa-lg"><?php echo" " . $row['status_name']; ?></i></button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-link show-pop left-bottom" data-placement="left-bottom" data-content="<?php echo $row['date_process']; ?>" id="click-acknowledge"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></a></td>                     <?php }                      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     /////////        incomplete button status       //////////                     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                     else if($row['status_name'] == 'incomplete'){?>                         <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger disabled"><i class="fa fa-ban fa-lg"><?php echo" " . $row['status_name'];?></i></button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-link show-pop left-bottom" data-placement="left-bottom" data-content="<?php echo $row['date_process']; ?>" id="click-acknowledge"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></a></td>                      <?php }              }         }      ?>         </tbody>     </tr> </table> 


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