google apps script - Cell with no text link when copy and pasting -

i think bug google sheets, if copy , paste table ones on page: spreadsheet instead of image being displayed there link no text in cell. according documentation there should text. if edit link (right click "edit link") nothing shows up. haven't been able access link in script via getforumlar1c1(), getdisplayvalue() or other range function.

i submitted via report problem in sheets, wondering if missing , should able in script.

this isn't necessary since can follow above steps test on own, here link sheet copied values to see issue:

and here test code:

function getimageformula(url) {   return '=image(\"' + url + '\")'; }  function imageselected() {   //spreadsheetapp.getactivesheet().setactiveselection("a3:a5");   var range = spreadsheetapp.getactivesheet().getactiverange();   var numrows = range.getnumrows();   var numcols = range.getnumcolumns();   for(var row = 1; row <= numrows; row++) {     for(var column = 1; column <= numcols; column++) {       var cell = range.getcell(row, column);       var url = cell.getformular1c1();       var text = cell.getdisplayvalue();       var formula = getimageformula(url);       cell.clearcontent();       cell.setformula(formula);     }   } }  function onopen() {   var spreadsheet = spreadsheetapp.getactive();   var menuitems = [{name: 'image selection', functionname: 'imageselected'}];   spreadsheet.addmenu('image', menuitems); } 

line 12 doesn't seem url.


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