gulp - Disable aurelia-bundler just on dev machine? -

i've been working on aurelia app without gulp , has gone well. want use gulp b/c page loads terrible 100+ separate files being requested. install aurelia-bundler skeleton , can working using gulp. there 2 problems: 1. have gulp bundle after every change refresh page 2. error messages make no sense b/c minified now.

i can deal #1 b/c of gulp-watch (even though still takes time), can't handle minified files , not being able debug code.

so, there , easy way switch non-bundled files development on machine , use bundled files when deploy heroku server? seems aurelia-bundle points dist folder default.

oh yeah, tried modifying config.js point "src" instead of "dist" still looks aurelia-xxx.js file instead of non-bundled files.


if using latest build files can gulp watch in dev should use src files without bundling - of course, slower, in conjunction browser-sync shouldn't have loads of refreshes.

check paths.js , other config files against skeleton if gulp watch bundling.


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