scala - How to configure akka send/receive buffer size and maximum frame size -

i have problem defining akka configuration maximum frame size , send/receive buffer size. how these related ? there rule of thumb these configs?

i set akka settings:

maximum-frame-size = 5242880b receive-buffer-size = 20971520b send-buffer-size = 20971520b 

any suggestion? thanks

these settings have relevance if use akka-remote. these settings control underlying tcp implementation: tcp buffers allocate (this hint os, of cases os decide on own anyway) , largest remote payload accepted (maximum-frame-size). messages larger limit in serialized form rejected , not sent. avoid abusing remoting layer bulk data transfer primary purpose being control layer. bulk data transfer side-channel recommended: (actor based tcp) or (stream based tcp) or http service via spray or akka.http.


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