angular - What is angular2 typescript and angular2 ecma script -

i'm learning angular2. difference between angular2 typescript , angular2 ecmascript?

ecmascript standard. javascript implementation. when people ecmascript mean javascript... javascript browsers understand.

typescript "typed superset of javascript compiles/transpiles javascript." today, means you'll compile/transpile typescript code ecmascript 5/es5, since browsers support version. in future, browser support grows ecmascript 6/es6/es2015, compile typescript es2015 instead of es5.

typescript's primary purpose not add features javascript – purpose of es2015 – make easier , safer developers write , maintain large javascript applications. primary benefit of typescript shows before application runs – when you're writing or maintaining code. intellisense, code completion, ability use es2015 features today, etc.

angular 2 written in typescript. if write angular 2 applications, recommend use typescript.


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