javascript - Function to return true in OnClick with SweetAlert -
hi i'm doing function in php, in ask confirmation continue using sweetalert, idea use onclick event, problem have no control, message displayed not expect confirmation in of both cases, form , link.
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; utf-8" /> <script src="scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script src="sweetalert/dist/sweetalert-dev.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.css"> <body> <?php function showmessage($titulo,$contenido,$tipo) { if($tipo=="ok") { // } else if($tipo=="error") { // } else if($tipo=="ask") { echo " swal({ title: '$titulo', text: '$contenido', type: 'warning', showcancelbutton: true, confirmbuttoncolor: '#dd6b55', confirmbuttontext: 'yes, delete it!', cancelbuttontext: 'no, cancel plx!', closeonconfirm: false, closeoncancel: false }, function(isconfirm){ if (isconfirm) { return true; } else { return false; } }); "; } else { } } ?> <a href='' onclick="<?php showmessage("test","test","ask"); ?>">go</a> <form action=""> <input type="submit" name="none" text="test" onclick="<?php showmessage("test","test","ask"); ?>"> </form> </body>
someone me?
<?php showmessage("test","test","ask"); ?>
is being called on page load.
you cannot call php functions based on browser events without ajax.
showing confirm message better done through use of javascript.
try like
<input type="submit" name="none" text="test" onclick="checkconfirm('test')"> <script> checkconfirm(message) { var confirm = confirm(message); if (confirm == true) { // user said yes } else { // user said no } } </script>
edit ah, took @ implementation.
here can achieve result you're looking for:
<input type="submit" name="none" text="test" onclick="showmessage(<?php echo $titulo ?>, <?php echo $contenido ?>, <?php echo $tipo ?>)"> <script> showmessage(title, text, tip) { if (tip == 'ask') { swal({ title: title, text: text, type: 'warning', showcancelbutton: true, confirmbuttoncolor: '#dd6b55', confirmbuttontext: 'yes, delete it!', cancelbuttontext: 'no, cancel plx!', closeonconfirm: false, closeoncancel: false }, function(isconfirm){ if (isconfirm) { return true; } else { return false; } }); } } </script>
i still recommend ajax , purpose of it. wrap head around full stack.
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