javascript - Jquery - .prop not checking my input checkbox dynamically -

i have simple data table added checkboxes can select. have edit button show details of data. have set everytime hit edit pull data ajax , fill it's fields , checkboxes accordingly.

the issue have checkboxes. @ moment saving functionality working great. use below code determine if checkboxes checked or not , returns true or false in database.

candidat_gestion_de_problème: $("#candidat_gestion_de_problème").prop( "checked" )  

the issue following code, when hit edit button pulls data database:

$("#candidat_gestion_de_problème").prop( "checked", incident.candidat_gestion_de_problème ); 

note: incident.candidat_gestion_de_problème returns true or false. had them tested in console , spitting out.

in cases if database returns false, .prop seems ignore , leaves checkbox checked.

when perform same code manually in console works fine:

$("#candidat_gestion_de_problème").prop( "checked", false ); 

would understand why this?

well sadirubaiyet had interessting aproach tweaked slighty , worked:

$("#candidat_gestion_de_problème").prop( "checked", incident.candidat_gestion_de_problème == "true" ? true : false ); 

i hoping avoid method don't see way around @ moment. guys.


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