jqgrid - Get page number of a specific record -

i'm trying find way page number of specific record.

this problem, after add new line reload grid, sorting on, new line can end on page. need able find page number of specific record, can navigate page , select it.

how can that, without having load every page until find it.

as see to accomplish add new record, reload grid , have displayed page page new record found in sorted grid. solution think need set reloadaftersubmit: false, , generate own reload pass in (via postdata) value tell controller change page of data return jqgrid.

when controller receive value in field have write code find page of data record belong , pass page jqgrid.

as grid sorted, find where record in sorted dataset , grab page. if didn't have large dataset iterate through every page till found page contain result, method depend on how large of dataset have. (ex 5 pages of records, acceptable iterate through them all, dataset becomes larger have fetching proper page of data.)


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